
ARMIS: Earthquake Preparedness (Research)

Collaborator: Boyu Zhang


We began understanding earthquakes: (specifically on the West Coast) when they happen, why they happen, and how people are often affected. We then created an in-depth survey asking participants to share their experiences regarding natural disaster anxiety, preparedness plans, and overall knowledge.

[Take the Survey!]

Conducting our own sweep of preparedness resources available was another key aspect of our research. Through this, we began to understand that there was overwhelming amount of information, but inconsistent messaging between sources.

These insights, along with our survey results allowed us to have a clear picture of what to build out moving forward.

[Preliminary Research & Brainstorm]


We wanted to hear different perspectives from not only community members, but also professionals in the field to get an understanding of what resources are already intended to serve the public.

These interviews steered many of our design choices and constantly brought us back to the various user and their needs.

Preparedness Kit: Research

We began by researching existing kits and reviews, pricing out various options and considering which items were truly essential.

We continued by purchasing items and building out own packaging to get a feel for what was useful. Through this, the question of sustainability and affordability arose which led us to pursue using less material and a more simplified solution.

Website Wireframing